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Piazzale del Castello, 1 - 33100 Udine

Tel. +39 04321272591

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Opening Hours Tuesdays - Sundays 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Closed on Mondays


In the courtyard of the Castle there are two parking slots reserved to people with motor disabilities. They must display their parking permit on the car’s windscreen.

The castle is located within the restricted traffic area, but people may ask the Local Police of the Municipality of Udine for a temporary pass. For further information on contacts and terms concerning the release of the pass:

In compliance with the New Road Rules (DPR 16.12.1992 n. 495), people with disabilities displaying their parking permit have free access to the restricted traffic area.

A free mini bus round trip service is available to reach Piazzale del Castello from Piazza Libertà on Saturdays, Sundays and some public holidays.

Currently the service is not accessible to wheelchair users.

For further information on the parking lots near the Castle, please visit google maps.


Everybody can have access to the hill of the castle. Only guide dogs are allowed in the museums. The opening hours are displayed on the signs on both the entrances to the castle and the panels in Piazza I Maggio and Piazza Libertà. The signs show specific pictograms indicating the museum’s available services (see §§ 5-6). The front entrance leads to the hall of the castle leading directly to the ticket office offering all the necessary indications to reach all the museums. The back entrance is equipped with a ramp. It is located in the Lapidarium and it leads to the back of the ticket office.


The ticket counter is accessible to every visitor: a section has been lowered so that the entrance is more welcoming also for children and wheelchair users. 

The ticket office displays information on the museums’ opening hours and ticket prices. On the counter there is also a tactile orientation map of the hall. Umbrellas and personal effects may be stored in the umbrella stands and lockers, signalled in English and Italian. The lockers are numbered and equipped with keys. A wheelchair is available for visitors with reduced mobility.

At the ticket office visitors may:

  • get information in English, German and Italian on the museums’ location, the collections and exhibitions;

  • ask for informative materials in English, Friulian, German and Italian;

  • ask for the  Museums’ Map, also available at this link

  • ask for the the audio-guide of the Museums of the Castle
  • Download the app of the Archaeological Museum, associated to the tactile itinerary also available at app store logogoogle play logo 300x104

At the “Info Point” visitors may use the tablet to check the Civic Museums’ website and gather information by themselves.



Visitors may reach the ground floor through the front entrance and the back entrance. On the ground floor, they may find the ticket office, the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of the Risorgimento. 

The Archaeological Museum is composed by the exhibition rooms, the depot (which can be visited upon request), the Playroom, and the Lapidarium located outside the castle. 

It displays multimedia and multisensory installations created for all kinds of visitors. At present, only the entrance hallway is not accessible to wheelchair users, who can have access to the Archaeological Museum through the Playroom.

The Archaeological Museum offers:

  • a 2D and 3D tactile itinerary

  • Multisensory stations for tactile and olfactory experiences

  • multimedia with subtitles in English, Italian, Slovenian (sometimes), simplified language and the Italian Sign Language, also downloadable at the following website Multimedias Area

  • large print captions with background chromatic contrast

  • brochures with the texts of the panels displayed in the museum, translated in English, German, Slovenian and Braille/simplified language

    a comic booklet for children

Visitors are also allowed to touch some original artefacts like the monumental relief of the Medusa (located in in the Hall); the stone urn of Charitone (in the “Francesco di Toppo and the excavations in Aquileia” room) and the altar with satyrs (displayed in the Lapidarium). 

The Archaeological Museum offers an audio-guide in English and Italian, and also a simplified and shortened version in both the languages. An app will guide visitors through the tactile itinerary. 

The informative brochures of the Archaeological Museum in English, Friulian, German and Italian are available at the ticket office.

The Museum of the Risorgimento has captions and didactic panels in Italian. It also displays multimedia in Italian with subtitles in Slovenian. It is accessible to people with motor disabilities from the room “The making of a hero. The Garibaldian myth” and by using the stair lift located in the room “The path towards the annexation to Italy”. Please ask the custody staff or the personnel at the ticket office to use the stair lift. 

The informative brochures of the Museum of the Risorgimento in English, German and Italian are available at the ticket office.


The first floor hosts the temporary exhibitions of the Archaeological Museum and it is architectural barrier-free. Visitors may reach it by using the staircase on the right side of the hall, the stairs of the Archaeological Museum which lead to the lounge room or the lift on the right side of the ticket office.


The second floor hosts the Ancient Art Gallery and the Parliamentary Hall. Visitors may reach it by using the staircase on the right side of the hall or the lift on the right side of the ticket office. Captions and didactic panels are available in Italian.

The informative brochures of the Ancient Art Gallery in English, German and Italian are available at the ticket office.


The third floor hosts the Friulian Museum of Photography. Visitors may reach it by using the staircase on the right side of the hall or the lift on the right side of the ticket office.


There are two entrances. One is located on the front of the Castle and it may be reached by walking up the stairs or the ramp. The other is located on the back side, it is free from architectural barriers and it can be reached by walking or driving up the ramp (two parking spots are reserved to people with disabilities, see Parking).

Only guide dogs are allowed in the Castle. Water bowls are available at the ticket office.

The lifts meet the dimension standards to overcome architectural barriers. The height of the push-button panel meets the accessibility standards and it is provided with buttons with Braille caption ad a video-intercom to communicate with the ticket office. For safety reasons the buttons of the floors closed to the public have been disabled.

The inside and outside signs display indications in English and Italian. They are provided with pictograms so that they are more easily readable and immediately comprehensible. At the ticket office visitors may get the Museums’ map in English and Italian.

Audio-guides of the Archaeological Museum in English, French, Italian and also in a simplified version in English and Italian are available at the ticket office.

All the areas of the Museums of the Castle are accessible to people with motor disabilities, except for the hallway of the Archaeological Museum and the hall of the Castle (see § 4).

The Archaeological Museum is accessible to people with visual impairment thanks to a 2D and 3D tactile itinerary, based on original artefacts, multisensory stations and an app which guides visitors throughout the itinerary (see §§ 4.1).

The Archaeological Museum is accessible to people with hearing impairment thanks to the multimedia tools with subtitles and the translation in the Italian Sign Language. (see §§ 4.1).

The Archaeological Museum is accessible to people with cognitive impairment thanks to multimedia tools, shorter texts written in a simplified language and the multisensory tactile stations. (see §§ 4.1).

There are toilets on every floor. The toilet for all is on the ground floor, next to the playroom.

Changing tables are available in the toilets on the second and third floors.

The lounge room is located on the first floor. In some cases also the Playroom of the Archaeological Museum may be used.


The educational activities are based on a dynamic interaction with the participants who will be encouraged to create a connection with the collections by means of a multisensory exploration and various learning paths so that every visitor will feel actively involved. (see §§ 5-6). The front entrance leads to the hall of the castle which opens directly to the ticket office offering all the necessary indications to reach all the museums. The back entrance is equipped with a ramp; it is located in the Lapidarium and it leads to the back of the ticket office.

The items of the collections, the museum framework and the workshops create an inclusive educational system allowing all visitors to fully experience the cultural heritage.

To get more information and reserve guided tours and educational workshops, please check the website of the Civic Museums of Udine

The guided tours and the workshops are available in English, French, German, Italian, Slovenian and in the Italian Sign Language.

Every Sunday the Playroom of the Archaeological Museum is open to the public. To use the educational tools, the games and the materials in the Playroom, please ask first the personnel at the ticket office or the custody staff.

On the website of the Civic Museums of Udine, there is an area dedicated to the educational materials made available to the public for free use and consultation because we believe that everyone must have access to our cultural heritage.