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La conoscenza dei nostri monti (Knowledge of Our Mountains)

La conoscenza dei nostri monti. 150 anni della Società Alpina Friulana 1874-2024

(Knowledge of Our Mountains. 150 Years of the Società Alpina Friulana 1874-2024)

Udine Castle, Archaeological Mezzanine (East wing, first floor) and rooms 7-8 of the Friulian Museum of Photography (East wing, third floor)

until Sunday 27 April 2025

Tuesdays-Sundays 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

reduced entrance to the Castle Museums for regularly registered Club Alpino Italiano (CAI) members


The exhibition hosted by the Castle Museums of Udine is promoted and organised by the Società Alpina Friulana (Friulian Alpine Society) on the occasion of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of its foundation. The exhibition recounts the ‘mont furlane’ (Friulian mountain), proposing a reflection on a place that over time has given rise to an original civilisation rich in unique cultural, social, economic and environmental aspects.

History, exploration, mountaineering and ethnography, climatic changes and future perspectives will animate the exhibition, which unfolds on two floors of the Castle, winding through the spaces of the Archaeological Mezzanine (East wing, first floor) proposing glances and possible readings of the mountains of today and yesterday and then moving on to rooms 7-8 of the Friulian Museum of Photography to illustrate to visitors the historical and iconographic heritage of the Friulian Alps, partly deposited at the Civic Museums of Udine, partly the result of loans from institutions and private individuals and never exhibited in its entirety until now.

The exhibition has been realised in collaboration with the University of Udine through ‘Cantiere Friuli’, the Geoparco Alpi Carniche, the Circolo Speleologico ed Idrologico Friulano, the Museo Etnografico di Malborghetto and the Museo Carnico Michele Gortani di Tolmezzo.

The exhibition is supported by Fondazione Friuli, the Club Alpino Italiano (CAI), with the contribution of the Consorzio Tutela del Formaggio Montasio and the patronage of the Municipality of Udine, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council, the Unesco Dolomites Foundation, the Giovanni Angelini Foundation - Centre for Mountain Studies, CAI Friuli Venezia Giulia and the International Association Rete Montagna.

For information: segreteria[at] and biglietterie.civicimusei[at] and +39 0432 1272591.


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