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'900 by Coach. History of Public Transport in Friuli

Ethnographic Museum of Friuli

via Grazzano, 1 - 3100 Udine

14 June - 13 October 2024

Fridays - Sundays 10 1.m. - 6 p.m.

opening times and tickets

The exhibition '900 in corriera. Storia del trasporto pubblico in Friuli ('900 by Coach. History of Public Transport in Friuli) is a participatory, historical and ethnographic project, which brings together the intentions of many enthusiasts of the history of Friuli's brands who, over the years, have collected testimonies and content on this theme.

Thanks to the work of these experts, the Ethnographic Museum of Friuli has taken up a challenge whose primary objective is to reconstruct the history of the private carriers that changed the society of Friuli in the 20th century, the geography of the region and the city of Udine.

'900 in corriera counts on the contribution of many witnesses and all those who, for work, study or emigration reasons, 'took the bus' in the last century.

The project is curated by the staff of the Ethnographic Museum of Friuli (Civic Museums of Udine). It was realised thanks to the support of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia’s Regional Law no. 16/2014 art. 27 quater. Public notice for the realisation of events and manifestations aimed at favouring the in-depth study and knowledge of the history of the 20th century. Year 2023.

Other entities wished to support this adventure that will tell the story of 100 years of mobility in Friuli.

They are formally project partners

the Municipality of Cividale del Friuli

the Municipality of Spilimbergo

the Mountain Community of Carnia, Tolmezzo

the Mountain Community of Canal del Ferro and Val Canale

They share an interest in the topic:

inBUSclub APS (Muggia), which preserves and valorises vintage buses circulating in the region

ARRIVA Udine spa, an important player in public transport in North-Eastern Italy.

The exhibition layout offers room texts and infographics detailing the history of Friuli's private carriers as well as objects, documents, photographs, tickets, memorabilia and parts of uniforms. All items dear to the hearts of those who frequented the couriers in the years when so many private companies (Ferrari, Collavini, Olivo, Pupin, Tavoschi, SGEA, Ribi, SAITA, Molaro, Picco and Comelli, Stefanutti, ...) shared routes across the region.

The exhibition brings together interesting video testimonies collected from people who were particularly connected to this world: users, family members of entrepreneurs, former employees, emigrants.

The project '900 in corriera will get everyone back on the coach!

Over the next few months, guided tours and outings in vintage buses are planned to discover the historic routes that saw thousands of Friulians travelling during the 20th century.


Free guided tours to the exhibition ‘900 by coach. History of the Public Transport in Friuli:


The Ethnographic Museum of Friuli is organizing free guided tours of the exhibition “‘900 by Coach. History of the Public Transport in Friuli”.

Friday 12 July 2024 at 10 am

Friday 26 July 2024 at 10 am

Friday 02 August 2024 at 10 am

Friday 09 August 2024 at 10 am

Friday 23 August 2024 at 10 am

Friday 30 August 2024 at 10 am

Friday 06 September 2024, at 10 am. As part of the guided tour to the exhibition, we have planned a walk around the City of Udine to discover some of the most significant places for the history of the Local Public Transport.

Friday 13 September 2024, at 10 am. As part of the guided tour to the exhibition, we have planned a walk around the City of Udine to discover some of the most significant places for the history of the Local Public Transport.

Friday 20 September 2024, at 10 am. As part of the guided tour to the exhibition, we have planned a walk around the City of Udine to discover some of the most significant places for the history of the Local Public Transport.

Friday 27 September 2024, at 10 am. As part of the guided tour to the exhibition, we have planned a walk around the City of Udine to discover some of the most significant places for the history of the Local Public Transport.

Friday 04 October 2024, at 10 am. As part of the guided tour to the exhibition, we have planned a walk around the City of Udine to discover some of the most significant places for the history of the Local Public Transport.

Friday 11 October 2024, at 10 am. As part of the guided tour to the exhibition, we have planned a walk around the City of Udine to discover some of the most significant places for the history of the Local Public Transport.

The participation to all the guided tours is free for the museum ticket holders. Limited places available.

The project has been realised thanks to the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region L.R. n. 16/2014 art. 27 quater. Public notice for the realisation of events and manifestations aimed at fostering a deeper understanding and knowledge of the history of the 20th century (Year 2023).


Ethnographic Museum of Friuli

via Grazzano, 1 - 3100 Udine

phone +39 04321272591

e-mail biglietterie.civicimusei[at]


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