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Friulian Museum of Natural History - Good to know Coenonympha oedippus - Lepidoptera present in the Friuli springs, protected by European legislation Erucastrum palustre - Herbarium leaf with Erucastrum, endemic plant of Friuli Gypsum crystal - Gypsum crystal from the Raibl mineTarvisio - Udine Neolithic Statue - Statue from the Neolithic site of SammardenchiaPozzuolo del Friuli - Udine Neolithic Ring - Ring of green stone from the Neolithic site of SammardenchiaPozzuolo del Friuli_Udine

Friulian Museum of Natural History

Good to know

Coenonympha oedippus

Lepidoptera present in the Friuli springs, protected by European legislation

Erucastrum palustre

Herbarium leaf with Erucastrum, endemic plant of Friuli

Gypsum crystal

Gypsum crystal from the Raibl mine
Tarvisio - Udine

Neolithic Statue

Statue from the Neolithic site of Sammardenchia
Pozzuolo del Friuli - Udine

Neolithic Ring

Ring of green stone from the Neolithic site of Sammardenchia
Pozzuolo del Friuli_Udine