Scientific Library and media library

In addition to being a fundamental tool for the activities of the Museum, library and media library are the richest documentary centre specializing in the natural sciences in Friuli. The collection is characterised by a strong specialisation in the field of natural sciences (80%).


The General collection is organized by type of material: monographs (about 21000 titles), extracts (12,600), periodicals (1000 periodicals, of which 370 active), maps (250 titles), graphic material (100 titles), multimedia (ca. 130 titles, mainly audio and video cassettes, CD-ROM) and photographs (ca. 16000 pieces). For conservation reasons, moreover, shall be deposited with the library also purely archival material.

The systematic arrangement of bibliographic material is complete and currently the added percentage in the digital catalog can be estimated at around 70% for monographs and extracts.

Bibliografia geologica del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Bibliografia preistorica del Friuli Venezia Giulia


Collects the photographic documentation of the fundraising campaigns of all sections made by the Museum on the territory, as well as funds available for finding necessary images constantly publishing activities of the Museum: is computerized for almost all of the possessed.


Headquarters of the Friulian Museum of natural history
via Marangoni nn. 39 and 41-33100 Udine
Tel: 0432/127 3211
Fax: 0432/127 0326
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.