Exhibition in Galleria Tina Modotti (Free Admission) October - December 2024

Sotto la fotografia - Il Circolo Fotografico Friulano celebra i 50 anni dalla fondazione

(Underneath Photography - The Friulian Photographic Circle Celebrates 50 years since Its Foundation)

Galleria Tina Modotti (Tina Modotti Gallery, former Fish Market) – via Paolo Sarpi, Udine

until Sunday 1 December 2024

Opening Hours: Fridays and Saturdays 3.00 p.m.-7.00 p.m.; Sundays 10.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m. and 3.00 p.m.-7.00 p.m.

Free admission

The photography exhibition hosted at the Tina Modotti Gallery in Udine is organised by the Circolo Fotografico Friulano to celebrate its first 50 years of intense cultural activity.

The exhibition focuses on the deeper meaning of photography, leading photographers and the public to consider the question from a different point of view.

Why do we photograph?

In the light of personal analysis, the exhibition presents 17 conceptual projects, the result of thought rather than the mere, sterile representation of reality, opening the door to the entirely unique narrative dimension of photography, which is worth being aware of.

The exhibition has been realised with the collaboration of the Civic Museums of Udine and is accompanied by the catalogue Sotto la fotografia. The Circolo Fotografico Friulano celebrates 50 years since its foundation.

On display are photographs by Daniele Agosto, Sandro Boato, Dario Buttazzoni, Enzo Forner, Ivano De Simon, Giovanna Lunazzi, Paola Lupi, Davide Massussi, Daniela Mereu, Luca Meroi, Stefano Meroi, Paolo Parussini, Giuseppe Roccasanta, Daniela Roveretto, Marina Tosolini, Rossana Trevisan and Sandro Vicedomini.



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