This exhibition commemorating the 1976 earthquake will be held in the former Odeon Cinema Theatre and will be inaugurated at 21.00 hours on May 6, 2016, exactly forty years to the day after the devastating event occurred.
Organized by the cultural association Vicino/Lontano, and promoted by Udine City Council and the Regional Authority of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the exhibition weaves together original film and audio footage, photographs, newspaper coverage and interviews into a dynamic narrative that recounts the tragic event and its aftermath, creating an emotional resonance that brings the story alive. The exhibition brings together photographs from the photographic heritage of the Civic Museums of Udine and a wealth of materials provided by local associations and organizations, among them the Associazione dei Comuni terremotati (Association of Earthquake Victims), the Udine branch of Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (Italian radio Amateurs Association), the local public library (Biblioteca Civica “V. Joppi”), the Brigata Alpina Julia, CRAF, Cineteca del Friuli, Istituto Luce, the Udine fire service (Vigili del Fuoco di Udine) and Rai television.
As the visitor proceeds through the exhibition, the narrative gradually unfolds through a sequence of lights and shadows, sounds and images, beginning with an audio recording of the first major shock which resounds from within a darkened room. This is followed by a series of nighttime photographs captured at the scene of the tragedy across its various locations and then by recordings of the first breaking news reports and commentary from the major media outlets of the time, before the room is finally fully illuminated to reveal the exhibition in its entirety. Other highlights record the contribution made by amateur radio enthusiasts who supported the rescue effort and helped co-ordinate the emergency operations of the Army and local Police forces.
The visitor is taken on a "journey to the end of night", to a night from another century, or rather from another millennium, to an analogical world recounted through the means of digital technology, which in turn lends added form and meaning to the exhibition, bringing the tragedy of that fateful night to life.
Follow the link to the Vicino/lontano exhibition page.
'KAOS ’76: la notte che cambiò il Friuli'
Venue: former Cinema Teatro Odeon
Opening times: Friday from 18.00 to 22.00; Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 18.00 to 22.00 until July 3, 2016
Info: Associazione Culturale Vicino/Lontano - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – tel.0432 287171
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