Come un racconto (As a Story)

Come un racconto. VII Rassegna Internazionale Biennale dedicata a Isabella Deganis. Per le nuove generazioni di creative/i

(As a Story. VII Biennial International Exhibition in Honour of Isabella Deganis. For the New Generations of Creative Talents)


Gallerie del Progetto (Palazzo Valvason Morpurgo)

via Savorgnana 12 Udine



1 December 2024 – 6 January 2025


Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. + from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Special openings: 26th December 2024 and 6th January 2025


Free Entry

Free Guided Tours (in Italian):

Saturday 7 December 2024 - 4 p.m.

Sunday 15 December 2024 - 11 a.m.

Saturday 21 December 2024 - 11 a.m.

Monday 6 January 2025 - 4 p.m.

Maximum 15 people

Info and Booking: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


DARS - Donna Arte Ricerca Sperimentazione continues in its tireless efforts to consolidate the famous expression, coined in the first edition 2012, of "Udine: Capital of the Artist’s Book", with the seventh edition of the biennial international review Come un racconto (As a Story) set up in the Galleries of Palazzo Morpurgo and in Sala Valle. The event – born from an idea of Marina Giovannelli and Gina Morandini to remember her friend and DARS president Isabella Deganis – is focused on the expressive form of the Artist’s Book and is the only one in Italy to address exclusively young people (aged between 14 and 35) offering an important space for exchange and cultural comparison.

The project has been realized thanks to the fundamental support of Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Comune di Udine, Camera di Commercio Pordenone-Udine and thanks to the usual collaboration of the Civici Musei di Udine and the municipal library "Vincenzo Joppi".

The exhibition displays 133 works by 203 artists from 17 national and international schools, including: the Academies of Fine Arts in Bari, Bologna, Florence, Foggia, Lecce, Palermo, Ravenna and Rome; the historic Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) in Erasmus+ project with the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice; the Artistic Lyceums "T. Catullo" of Belluno, "G. Sello" of Udine, "F. Figari" of Sassari; the scientific Lyceum "XXV Aprile" of Portogruaro, and the School of Applied Arts in Rijeka (Croatia); the Erasmus+ Bee Green project, of which DARS is a partner, with Ljudska Univerza in Ormož (coordinator - Slovenia) and Stredna Odborna Skola in Banska Bystrica (partner - Slovakia).There are also 4 individual participations chosen by DARS and that see the return of Paolo Brasa, absolute winner at the first review of 2012, of the two Friulani, former students of the Liceo "G. Sello" of Udine and currently enrolled in the Academy of Bologna, Elia Sponton and Aurora Maiurano, respectively Special Mention Ex Æequo and Marked by the Jury in the last exhibition 2022, and the artist Andrea Guerra of Montelabbate in partnership with the Workshop of Art and Textiles of Spoleto (PG). Also on display are the works of some teachers to set off the link and the creative dialogue Allieve/i&Maestre.

Thanks to the partnership with Coop. Soc. ITACA, was also involved the group of guests of the Community accommodation "Casa e piazza" in Virco (UD) who follow for years a painting workshop, curated by artist Paola Bellaminuti, and will present their works in Udine. With the aim of shedding light on some of the most influential Friulian creative talents, DARS will organise an exhibition the Artist’s Book of Kalā Teatro (Fagagna). As the final stage of a project on the extraordinary artist Camille Claudel – conceived and developed by Luana Pignato and Manuel Marrese – and, for the first time, this exhibition will display an exclusive gadget designed by the young artist Paola Pasquaretta, owner of Fyonda Design.